How are the professionals verified?

  • Fully-licensed.

    Our team ensures that every provider we bring to the platform is fully licensed and in good standing. Providers who apply are required to provide proper licensure documentation and proof of identity.

  • Cross-checked.

    We then cross-check their licensure information with their respective state licensing board.

  • Examinated.

    In addition to checking credentials, each potential provider needs to complete a case study exam graded by a licensed therapist and is evaluated in a video interview.

  • Vigorously short-listed.

    The result of this rigorous process is that only about 20% of the therapists who apply to work through ALifeForce are accepted to the platform.

  • Double-checked by you.

    We also show the full licensing information for each provider to make it easy for you to do your own due diligence on your therapist.