Josephine Emesomhiade Akenuwa

Josephine Emesomhiade Akenuwa

Josephine Emesomhiade Akenuwa holds a Bachelor degree and Master holder in guidance and Counseling.

She is a Certified Master Practitioner in Neuro- Linguistic Programming.

A CBT Trained Anxiety and Depression expert.

Certified in Personal Development and Work Life Balance.

A Certified Leadership Trainer.

She has developed a Strong Premarital & Marriage Enrichment Programme (PMEP).

Josephine is a Parenting on Purpose specialist (POP).

Certified Character Based Relationship and Sexuality Educator (CBRSE).

She is also a Crisis Respondent Specialist.

Certified Faith Based Counselor and a Family Life Practitioner as well.

Josephine is a certified family Mediator.


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